EU-CONEXUS launches a Project Development Fund for researchers
EU-CONEXUS, the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability, addresses global and local challenges by tackling coastal environmental, technical, economic and societal needs.
The EU-CONEXUS Joint Research Area brings together researchers and students from the different partner institutions around common fields of interest: Life Sciences and Biotechnology; Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity; Coastal Engineering; Social, Culture and Human Sciences.
One of EU-CONEXUS willingness is to support the implementation of joint research projects in the framework of funded collaborative projects by creating a Project Development Fund.
For this Project Development Fund, researchers from EU-CONEXUS partner universities can apply for funding in order to develop collaborative research and innovation projects.
The Project Development Fund will increase the participation of EU-CONEXUS partners in research and innovation calls for proposals (such as Belmont Forum, H2020, ERA-NET…) with a European or international dimension. Applications can be sent any time as this call will be open until 31/08/2022
Eligibility criteria
✓ At least 3 researchers from three different EU-CONEXUS partner universities must be involved in the Project proposal.
✓ The coordinator of the Project proposal can be outside the EU-CONEXUS consortium.
✓ The identification of the research and innovation call for proposals and a draft Project proposal summary are required.
✓ The Project proposal must be submitted to the identified call for proposals. Reimbursement of funding will be asked, if the proposal is not submitted to the supervising administrative structures of the project teams.

Funding Criteria
✓ Eligible costs are related to the development of the Proposal such as organisation, travel and subsistence costs for project development meetings. A detailed budget/funding request is required below.
✓ The funding is maximum € 4.000 per Proposal. A larger amount may be allowed if justified.
✓ Non-EU-CONEXUS members are not eligible for funding.
✓ The funding of each Proposal is allocated to the partners involved and according to their real costs.
Selection Rules
✓ The EU-CONEXUS project leader has to send the completed application form to EU-CONEXUS at the following email address:
✓ A two-step-evaluation will take place:
– The first step evaluation will assess the conformity to the call and technical eligibility by a small unit composed by the JRSC leader and a person to be appointed by La Rochelle University.
– Then, applications will be evaluated by JRSC members during their regular meetings (every 2 months) based on Proposal quality criteria. If needed, the JRSC will organise an extraordinary meeting to evaluate the application.
✓ A copy of the Project proposal will be sent to the JRSC members who have signed a “Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Charter” for all submitted Proposals.
Dissemination process
✓ The project leader will be informed by e-mail about the results of the evaluation. He/she will inform his/her collaborators of the results.
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