
2021 Jan/07

The beginning of UTCB years: partnership agreement with local authorities

UTCB announces that on 30th December 2020 a protocol of partnership was signed by the Rector Radu Văcăreanu on behalf of UTCB and the mayor of Bucharest’ second district @Primăria Sectorului 2, Mr. Radu Mihaiu.

The aim of the protocol is naturally a solution for the need to communicate and work together as the technical high education environment and local public administration have to mutually consult specialists from the two partner institutions.

Also, there is a necessity to promote and organize projects of common interest in the field of education, technique, economics and science. 

General directions of the partnership are:

Promote policies of local development for Bucharest’ 2nd district 

Adopt measures related to the technical and building infrastructure in the 2nd district

Consult professionals of the two partners in order to promote projects complying with technical and economical requirements, projects that are efficient for the development of Bucharest’ 2nd district

Organise common events (conferences, seminars, workshops etc.)

EU-CONEXUS project and its objectives were presented by the Rector as potential themes of collaboration with the local authority

In the discussion preceding the signature of the partnership protocol, Mr. Văcăreanu and Mr. Mihaiu analysed issues referring to seismic structural and thermic improvement of buildings. 

Therefore 2021 is the first year of mutal collaboration and support for the two institutions.

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