Klaipeda University researchers were invited to be a guest editors for JMSE Special Issue (Invitation for manuscript submissions)
Klaipeda University researchers dr. Tatjana Paulauskiene and dr. Jochen Uebe, from Department of Engineering, Faculty of Marine Technology and Natural Sciences were invited to be a guest editors for JMSE | Special Issue: Oil Spills Clean-Up in Marine: Recent Advances, Challenges and Perspectives.
The clean-up of oil pollution is a difficult task, and it is important to continue research in this area. We therefore invite you to submit articles based on laboratory and field experiments, including but not limited to the following topics:
- Oil spill case studies;
- Oil spill modeling;
- Oil weathering;
- Oil spill response tools, techniques, and technologies;
- Bioremediation;
- Monitoring of oil spill pollution;
- Impact of oil spills on marine ecosystems;
- Marine oil spill risk assessment;
- Remote sensing.
This special issue is now open for submission. Deadline for manuscript submissions: 20 March 2022. More information available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jmse/special_issues/oil_clean