2022 Nov/30

Research for Society News

Successfully held interdisciplinary conference connected two partner alliances

On 21 November, the University of Zadar held the first virtual interdisciplinary conference within the framework of the EU-CONEXUS Research for Society (RFS) project.

15 speakers took part in the conference, thus bringing a huge added value to the event, and 55 observers heard the presentations and participated in parallel sessions. The event connected representatives of two partner alliances, as members of SEA-EU alliance also took part in this event.

The conference was opened by professor Božena Krce Miočić; professor Ivan Župan welcomed the participants and invited everyone to be involved in the development of the future think-tank on an interdisciplinary SmUCS theme; professor Dario Vujević announced the topic of the second virtual conference Blue Heritage, that would focus on the relationship between man and heritage under the common blue umbrella, including the underwater heritage and islands. Vice-Rector Zvjezdan Penezić also welcomed the participants of the conference and emphasised the importance of interdisciplinary research. Such events bring great opportunities for further acquaintance and networking between the members of the Alliance and different universities, – says professor Zvjezdan Penezić.

The keynote speech Challenges of Sustainable Tourism Management and Monitoring Sustainability was given by Izidora Marković Vukadin, PhD, after which parallel sessions A and B began. Session A (coordinator: Gabrijela Vidić, University of Zadar) had participants/speakers representing various institutions: Edna Hernández González from SEA- EU alliance, Edna Ozuna from the University of Rostock, Sylvain Dejean from La Rochelle University, Pablo Vidal González from the Catholic University of Valencia, and Ana Timonina-Mickevičienė from Klaipeda University.

Session B (Coordinator: Tomislav Klarin, Universiity of Zadar) gave the floor to the following participants/speakers: Emmanouil Nikolaidis from Frederick University, Maria de Andres from the SEA-EU alliance, Mariia Iamkovaia from the Agricultural University of Athens, Eduardas Spiriajevas from Klaipeda University, and Diana Šaparnienė from Klaipeda University. The sessions were followed by a discussion and conclusions.

Then followed the workshops on two topics: The Impact of Tourism on the Local Community (moderator: Gabrijela Vidić) and the Climate Change and Tourism (moderator: professor Robert Lončarić, University of Zadar). The workshops ended with discussions and workshop conclusions.

Due to active participation and inspiring presentations, the first conference was a real success. The conclusion was drawn that more interdisciplinary research and international collaboration is expected. EU-CONEXUS RFS team is looking forward for the next events and expect even more creative ideas and new perspectives in the field of SmUCS to be outlined.

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