2023 Feb/13

Research for Society News

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science

On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the project Research for Society and UCV have organised a series of activities and events.

Dialogue on women and girls in science

A dialogue together with Maria Gil, a professor and researcher at the UCV, with Claudia Aliaga, winner for Sapiencia, a research contest for schools, talking about women and girls in science.

Claudia’s research is about using biomaterial to degrade the cigarette butts as a result for improving sustainability. She expressed: ‘I would like to dedicate myself to research, because I have realised that it is what I am passionate about, and when I start researching, time flies by’

We are happy to bring to Claudia one reference more on women in science, Maria Gil, professor at the business, law and social sciences faculty and researcher, who has encouraged younger girls to do research through her life experience, where she felt supported by her family and colleagues ‘I have grown up in a family with an entrepreneurial spirit, which has taught me to take on professional challenges without any limitations.’ María Gil.

School workshop ‘The Science Suitcase’

The Catholic University of Valencia has given workshop on science to the School of Larrodé, in which the youngest children have been taught how to handle laboratory tools, as well as the presence of women in science, especially in oceanography.

‘And following the journey of Jeanne Baret, the first woman to sail around the world describing botanical and animal species, I took them ‘The Science Suitcase’ with different biological contents, such as dried starfish, shark eggs, dogfish sharks, sea urchins, posidonia balls…’ María del Carmen Fuentes, Faculty of Experimental Sciences.

Exhibition about women pioneers in oceanography

An exhibition of women pioneers in oceanography will be exposed at the faculty of Veterinary and Experimental Sciences in Valencia, with the material given by the project Oceanicas and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO, CSIC). Each panel show the life experience of researchers such as Sylvia Earle, biologist and activist in defense of the oceans, Jimena Quirós, the first female oceanographers in Spain; among others.

A round table with leading women scientists

The Catholic University of Valencia has gathered 5 leading women scientists from different research areas, to talk about their professional path as researchers, with a common idea of teaching science from childhood. ‘From school age, the relevance of scientific achievements should be studied and the challenges to be met should be taken stock of, in order to avoid brain drain, and for this we also need the full support of governmental institutions.’ Expressed María Jesús Vicent, Coordinator of the Advanced Therapies Area and Head of the Therapeutic Polymers Laboratory at the Príncipe Felipe Research Centre.

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