Second researchers conference in partnership with the SEA-EU alliance held successfully
The 2nd Virtual Interdisciplinary Conference Heritage Turns Blue: Glocal Impacts on Coastal Cultural Heritage within the framework of the EU-CONEXUS Research for Society (RFS) project is over. On February 28, 13 speakers presented their recent work related to various impact factors on coastal cultural heritage. 33 listeners observed the presentations and participated in parallel sessions. Beside the project partners, the event was also attended by members of SEA-EU alliance.
The conference was opened by assoc. prof. Dario Vujević. Vice-Rector Zvjezdan Penezić welcomed the participants, and assoc. prof. Ivan Župan announced the 3rd Virtual Conference Blue Economy in Urban Coastal Areas, which will cover various themes, such as sustainable agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, and seafaring, through an interdisciplinary approach. Once more, all partner institutions were invited to be involved in the development of the future think-tank on an interdisciplinary SmUCS theme.
The conference was opened by two keynote speeches: Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Regions – Examples from Croatia by prof. Nina Lončar (Department of Geography, University of Zadar) and A View from the Depths: Protection and Valorisation of Underwater Heritage by assoc. prof. Irena Radić Rossi (Department of Archaeology, University of Zadar). The presentations were perfect examples of interdisciplinary research that focused on coastal cultural heritage.
The opening presentations were followed by parallel sessions A and B. Session A (moderator: assoc. prof. Igor Kulenović, University of Zadar) had participants/speakers representing various institutions: Gema Ramírez Guerrero from SEA-EU alliance, Nadia Blanchfield from South East Technological University, Eduardas Spiriajevas from Klaipėda University, Rosabelle Boswell from Nelson Mandela University, South Africa, Diego Manuel and Calderón Puerta from SEA- EU alliance, and Rasa Žilienė from Klaipėda University. Most of the presentations focused on the relationship between tourism and cultural heritage. Session B (moderator: Mario Bodružić, University of Zadar) coordinated a session focusing mostly on cultural heritage in different coastal areas, featuring the following participants/speakers: Sofija Sorić from the University of Zadar, Vladas Žulkus and Tomas Rimkus from Klaipėda University, Joy Rooney from South East Technological University, Brenda Pamela and Ponce Corro from La Rochelle University, and Lina Petrošienė, Elena Valionienė, and Erika Župerkienė from Klaipeda University. Both sessions were followed by a discussion and conclusions.
The conference was followed by a roundtable discussion, coordinated by assoc. prof. Igor Kulenović (University of Zadar), focusing on the impact of tourism on the coastal cultural heritage. A one- hour discussion also provided all the participants with an opportunity to present their views on the benefits and / or challenges of interdisciplinarity in their research.
To conclude, the 2nd conference, although held online, was a success. The conclusions and ideas that were presented will be a great help in the deployment of a Think-Tank on Interdisciplinarity for SmUCS. We wish to thank all participants and partners and hope to see you all in our next event in a few months.