2023 Jun/12

Research for Society News

AUA Fisheries and Aquaculture Open Science Event

An Open Science Event entitled “Fisheries and aquaculture: Sustainable practices in the coastal zone” was held in the Library of the Agricultural University of Athens, on May 26, 2023. The Open Science event implemented as part of the EU-CONEXUS RESEARCH FOR SOCIETY and funded by Horizon 2020 program, was organized as a series of interactive dynamic stakeholder dialogues between the invited speakers and the audience that consisted of scientists, researchers, practitioners, academics, stakeholders and students. Representatives from the Hellenic Aquaculture Producers Organization (HAPO) and the Central Markets and Fishery Organizations (OKAA) participated, as well as employees from related Public Agencies, entrepreneurs from the maritime industry.

The mission of this event was to increase the awareness on controversial issues related to fisheries and aquaculture’s contributions to global sustainable development, and more specifically their role in food security, nutrition, and natural resource sustainability. The results generated through these scientific approaches will allow to rapidly integrate new knowledge, with significant impact on innovation and how we strategically approach research in aquaculture and fisheries. The one-day open event brought together key figures from science and industry to focus on important issues and share experience within the society.

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