2023 Oct/30

Research for Society News

EU-CONEXUS RFS participated in the CIVICA Research Conference

On 13 October, EU-CONEXUS was invited to participate in the CIVICA Research Conference 2023 at Sciences Po’s campus in Paris. CIVICA, the European University of Social Sciences, unites ten leading European higher education institutions in the fields of social sciences, humanities, business management, and public policy. The conference served as the closing event of the CIVICA Research project, aimed at sharing the key outcomes and achievements of the three-year project funded by the European Union program Horizon 2020 under the chapter “Science with and for Society.”

The two-day event aimed to highlight scientific outcomes from the project and also contributed to the ongoing discussion regarding the support of the Research and Innovation (R&I) dimensions of the European University Alliances. Representatives from other SwafS (Science with and for Society) projects were invited to speak about their experiences on the second day of the conference, which focused on the key capacity-building aspects of the R&I dimensions of European University Alliances. Two parallel workshops were held on Open Science and Strengthening Research, Capacity, and Excellence.

Alongside representatives from sister Alliances CIVICA, 4EU+, and EELISA, Aurélia Kuga, the institutional project coordinator for EU-CONEXUS Research for Society (RFS) at La Rochelle Université, participated in the second workshop and presented two activities conducted during the lifespan of the EU-CONEXUS RFS SwafS project aimed at supporting research management and capacity-building within EU-CONEXUS. These activities included the development of a Research and Innovation Information System and the filing of a COST Action to support research networking and collaborations within EU-CONEXUS – the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability. Other SwafS project representatives shared insightful testimonies about their experiences with research mobilities, the launch of a catalogue on research facilities, and research management for transversal projects. Catherine de Vries, Dean for International Affairs at Bocconi University, moderated the panel session.

A plenary session then focused on the policy landscape for the R&I dimensions of the alliances. Representatives from CIVICA, EC2U, 4EU+, and FORTHEM European University alliances shared their experiences and had the opportunity to exchange views on the challenges of establishing and financing a long-term research strategy for European University alliances. Special guest Manuel Aleixo, Head of Unit for ERA and Innovation (DG RTD, European Commission), Spreading Excellence and Research Careers, also participated in the discussion.

For more insights on the CIVICA Research Conference 2023, click here.
All conference panels are available to watch on the CIVICA YouTube channel.

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