2023 Nov/30

Research for Society News

EU-CONEXUS joins European University Alliances in showcasing SwafS projects at Cross-Alliances Forum 2023

Today, EU-CONEXUS is joining over 30 other European University Alliances at the Science with and for Society in European Universities Alliances: Cross-Alliances Forum 2023. This two-day event will highlight the outcomes of Science with and for Society (SwafS) projects funded under the Horizon 2020 program.

The agenda of this year’s forum includes plenary sessions, roundtables, workshops, and keynote speeches from prominent European policy makers and academic stakeholders. EU-CONEXUS Research for Society (RfS) will lead Workshop 3 on Reforming Research Assessment scheduled for November 30 at 2:00 pm CET, and co-lead a Plenary Session on Boosting Excellence within the European R&I Ecosystem through the European Universities Alliances scheduled for December 1 at 9:00 am CET. EU-CONEXUS RfS will be represented by two speakers:

EU-CONEXUS RfS will showcase its achievements during an interactive poster session on the first day. The posters will cover two transformational modules: “Developing a common R&I agenda and action plan” and “Sharing resources & infrastructures.”

The Alliance community is invited to join the sessions via a live stream. To learn more, visit the event page website, explore the program and watch the sessions online CIVIS Alliance YouTube Channel

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