2024 Feb/08

Research for Society News

Introducing the EU-CONEXUS Innovation Hub

EU-CONEXUS Research for Society (RFS) is proud to announce the launch of the Innovation Hub, an online platform featuring innovative products and services developed across the six partner institutions of RFS.

The Innovation Hub serves as a virtual nexus, facilitating connections within the EU-CONEXUS research community and economic stakeholders. The aim of this collaborative environment is to help co-create and commercialize cutting-edge solutions, ultimately contributing to the advancement of societal progress.

Designed as a gateway for knowledge and technology transfer, the Innovation Hub invites users to explore innovative projects, forging connections that fuel the journey from a concept to real-world impact. Through this platform, EU-CONEXUS intends to strengthen the bridge between academia and industry, accelerating the transformation of innovative ideas into tangible products and services.

Visit the EU-CONEXUS Innovation Hub social space where stakeholders, entrepreneurs, and researchers come together to identify opportunities and catalyze new ideas!

Here’s how to get involved:

✅ Visit EU-CONEXUS Innovation Hub website to explore its features.

✅ Join the community and connect with like-minded individuals and innovators.

✅ Submit your innovative ideas and be part of sustainable development!

See us