2024 Jun/28

2nd Round of Seed Funding is finished: new projects are getting funded!

The 2nd edition of Seed Funding is over, and the Project Development Support Office (PDSO) is pleased to announce that it received a total of 19 collaborative education, research and innovation proposals addressing Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (SmUCS) challenges.

The applications were evaluated by a committee composed of three representatives from three EU-CONEXUS institutions (KU, UCV, UTCB). Based on three equally weighted criteria (excellence, impact, implementation), the committee has decided on a final ranking. Here are the 5 proposals selected for funding (full title, acronym, institutions involved):

  • Oral delivery of biological active molecules by microparticles in molluscs (Oral Delivery In Molluscs – ODIM): UCV, AUA, UNIZD
  • Cell extracts of BSF for the synthesis in vitro of proteins of biotechnological interest (CellExtractsBSF_CEBSF) : UCV, SETU
  •  INNOvative, interdisciplinary environmental approach to sustainAble resource use, WAste REduction and recycling (INNO-AWARE): LRUniv, UTCB
  • Smart Coastal Sustainability of Semi-Urban Seaside Resorts and their Emerald Hinterland (EMERALD GROWTH): KU, UCV, UROS, University of Cape Coast (Ghana)
  • TMAO Behavior: UCV, LRUniv

All unsuccessful applicants have already received transparent feedback from evaluators. The next edition of the call is scheduled to take place in the coming months.

The Project Development Support Office is open to assist with the preparation of your proposals (projects@eu-conexus.eu).

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