2024 Jul/19

Marine, Coastal & Urban Sustainability Week in Valencia, Spain

Marine, Coastal, and Urban Sustainability Week at UCV: commitment to our coastal cities and sustainable development.

Valencia, the EU Green Capital 2024 for Sustainability, was the perfect setting for the Marine, Coastal, and Urban Sustainability Week from July 8–12, 2024. This week brought together various events, organised by UCV and EU-CONEXUS, and hosted over 450 participants from around the Alliance and other partners to promote sustainable development and address pressing challenges in marine, coastal, and urban environments.

Key role of cooperation with socio-economic partners

EU-CONEXUS has always emphasised the importance of the cooperation between universities, industry and public institutions and the responsibility to carry out the academic and research activities of Alliance to respond to the challenges of our coastal cities.

It is symbolic that the representatives of these actors, primarily from Valencia, gathered together at the welcome event at Valencia City Hall, hosted by the Mayor María José Catalá.

This reception underscored the city’s commitment to sustainability and provided a platform for meaningful dialogue among key stakeholders.

In her welcoming words, Mayor Catalá emphasised Valencia’s dedication to environmental stewardship and the importance of the event in fostering international collaboration. “As the EU Green Capital of the Mediterranean, we have a mission to protect our seas and oceans. It’s an honour that Valencia has been chosen by EU-CONEXUS for its university partnership days on sustainability in coastal cities and ports,” she remarked.

The reception was a testament to Valencia’s leadership in sustainable urban development, showcasing the city’s innovative approaches to integrating environmental sustainability into its urban planning and policymaking.

The events of Marine, Coastal and Urban Sustainability Week:

Blue Growth Leaders’ Academy

23 participants from 8 countries gathered in Valencia after 3 months intensive academy online on the aspects of Blue Growth and Smart Cities. During a visit to the Valencia Port, participants engaged in an interactive workshop where they worked to propose solutions for a real-life challenge presented by the Port Authorities and Foundation of Valencia Port. This hands-on experience was pivotal in understanding the complexities of port management and sustainability in the context of the city development.

International Symposium on Marine Science

Held at the Veles e Vents venue, the symposium, created by 6 Spanish universities offering the studies and carrying out research in marine sciences,gathered more than 300 researchers from Europe, America, and Asia to discuss the latest challenges and research results on the topic. This event highlighted the importance of scientific research in designing informed sustainable practices. Some EU-CONEXUS joint Master in Marine Biotechnology (JMPMB) students also presented their research results achieved in 2 years of studies.

Blue Innovation Day

With opening remarks by Ester Olivas, Director for Internationalisation and Entrepreneurship at the Valencia Municipality, the networking event aimed to gather researchers, students, and the companies working in Blue biotechnology sector which gains a significant importance globally, including Valencia region. Jesus Agüero, Director of Bioval, also emphasised  the role of innovation in driving sustainable development. The graduates of Master in Marine Biotechnology had an opportunity to get the feedback on their research results from experts from the sector and even some offers for further careers. The event culminated with an award for the best student poster, recognising the innovative contributions of young researchers.

Graduation Ceremony

23 graduates from 17 countries, the first class of EU-CONEXUS joint Master programme in Marine Biotechnology, gathered in Valencia after passing several semesters in various universities across the globe. The awarding of graduation stoles and certificates  by the Rectors of the nine partner universities was a momentous occasion, to celebrate the  the achievements of the students and to acknowledge the achievements of the Alliance towards the transformation of universities and higher education area at large.

The Rectors, benefitting the opportunity of attending the first EU-CONEXUS graduation ceremony, stayed working on strategic development of EU-CONEXUS Alliance in hand with External Advisory Board.


Ester Olivas, Director for Internationalisation and Entrepreneurship: “This is a unique opportunity not only for universities but for researchers, students, and industry to meet and bond over such an important matter—marine, coastal, and urban sustainability. It’s important to appreciate the great potential of the Valencian region in entrepreneurship and innovation, and the commitment of the Valencian government to boosting its development.”

Jean-Marc Ogier, Chair of EU-CONEXUS Governing Board, to the graduates: “You represent our future, and we are convinced that you will carry the values of the university, the values of Europe, the values of tolerance and respect for human diversity, and the values of building a sustainable world.”

Jerónimo Chirivella, the Academic Coordinator of the Joint Master Programme in Marine Biotechnology, to the graduates: “You came from all over the world, 17 nationalities, to embark on this project — the 1st batch of a new joint Master programme in Marine Biotechnology.”

Marine, Coastal and Urban Sustainability Week at UCV was a resounding success, highlighting the critical importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovative thinking in addressing global environmental challenges. Not only did the event reinforce Valencia’s position as a leader in sustainability, but it also paved the way for future collaborations and initiatives.

As Valencia continues to shine as the EU Green Capital 2024, the insights and connections developed during this week will undoubtedly contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future for coastal and urban communities worldwide.

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