2024 Sep/11

Welcome Day for Master Students in Valencia 

News on Master Welcome Week, 3rd edition 

In Valencia, Spain, September marked the beginning of a new, exciting journey for 32 students from more than 10 nationalities, including the Philippines, Pakistan, Taiwan, Colombia, Mexico, and Germany. They are now part of the 3rd edition of the Joint Master Programme in Marine Biotechnology hosted by the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (EU-CONEXUS). The Catholic University of Valencia (UCV), who is a member of the consortium, is leading the programme. To welcome the students, ease their transition, and foster a sense of community, the welcome week invited them to experience a diverse selection of events and other activities on campus and its vicinity. 

A Week of Warm Welcomes and New Beginnings 

On Wednesday, 4th September, the UCV kicked off the programme with a welcome dinner, bringing together students from across the globe to share a memorable evening. The event was a cultural feast, with each student contributing a traditional dish from their home country. 

The following day was the Welcome Day. It offered a more formal introduction to the academic side of the programme. Academic Director Jerónimo Chirivella and Master Officer Melania Díaz led an insightful orientation, outlining the academic and practical aspects of the programme. Each student was also given an EU-CONEXUS welcome pack. 

In addition to learning about their studies, students were also introduced to the campus services, including the sports unit, language institute, and the international office. A campus tour familiarised them with UCV’s facilities, encouraging them to make the most of their university life from day one. 

Balancing Academics with Fun 

On Friday, 6th September, the cohort took a break from academics to enjoy some leisure time at the famous Malvarrosa Beach. A beach volleyball match offered the perfect opportunity to bask in the beautiful Mediterranean sun whilst enjoying friendly competition. 

The following Monday, 9th September, was focused on personal development, featuring a special conference on intercultural awareness, support networks, and self-care provided by experts in pedagogy from the UPV, Politechnic University of Valencia. As students from different cultural backgrounds embark on this academic journey, understanding the importance of building supportive relationships is key. The session highlighted the value of networking in a globalised world and demonstrated how these connections could benefit both their academic and personal growth. 

Finally, on Tuesday, 10th September, the students attended a session on Laboratory Safety Measures as they geared up for the hands-on aspect of the programme. Each student received their official lab coat. 

A Bright Future in Marine Biotechnology 

The future looks bright for this cohort of talented students. The EU-CONEXUS Joint Master Programme in Marine Biotechnology is designed to equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary for making meaningful contributions to the global sustainability of marine environments. 

The UCV and EU-CONEXUS are proud to welcome such a diverse and passionate group of future marine biotechnologists and look forward to witnessing their achievements in the years to come. 

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