2024 Oct/16

EU-CONEXUS backed PhD student Ioannis’ presentation at the European conference on Computing in Construction (EC3)

PhD Student Ioannis Markou attended the European conference on Computing in Construction (EC3) in Crete, Greece, which took place on 14-17 July, 2024. Supported through the EU-CONEXUS mobility fund, Ioannis got the opportunity to present his research to an international audience.

He successfully applied for and was awarded a mobility fund from EU-CONEXUS under the Call for Participation in International Conferences on Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability. This mobility enabled Ioannis to travel and present at the conference dedicated to his field of study. EC3 is the premier European conference for information, communication, technological research, innovation, and policy for the Construction Sector in Europe. The purpose of the conference was to bring together researchers, practitioners, and construction industry professionals from Europe to meet and share information about the latest developments in all aspects related to computing in construction. Speaking about the mobility opportunity, Ioannis noted that he engaged in significant activities that greatly contributed to both his professional development and the broader research community. One of the key highlights was presenting his research on the development and implementation of a Dynamic Material Passport for sustainability management. This tool is designed to track the lifecycle of materials used in construction with the general aim of promoting circular economy principles.

Research visibility for real world adoption

Participating in the conference gave Ioannis valuable experience from both a professional and personal perspective. He gained valuable experience from the workshops and seminars that were part of the conference schedule, exploring a range of topics related to sustainability, circular economy, and material management. These sessions provided insights into the latest advancements and facilitated knowledge exchange with other researchers. Ioannis also got the opportunity to facilitate a workshop on the application of Dynamic Material Passports, demonstrating its practical use and benefits in real-world scenarios. That enabled him to increase the visibility of his research and give the attendees a deeper understanding of how these tools can contribute to sustainability management, encouraging broader adoption.

Connecting with stakeholders to pave the way for future opportunities

When considering future opportunities, Ioannis noted that getting an opportunity to “present at a high-profile conference like EC3 significantly increased the visibility of my research. It allowed me to connect with industry stakeholders, fostering partnerships that could drive the adoption of sustainable practices in construction. Engaging with experts from diverse backgrounds led to valuable networking opportunities. I collaborated with fellow researchers on related projects, which opened doors for future joint research initiatives.” For Ioannis, he feels that this EU-CONEXUS mobility has been instrumental in advancing his research and professional development.

The EU-CONEXUS mobility fund aims to support students, staff, and researcher mobility within the European Union, particularly among the institutions that are part of the EU-CONEXUS alliance. By encouraging mobility among EU-CONEXUS partner institutions, the fund promotes European collaboration and innovation in education and research. It also fosters the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and cultural understanding, contributing to the creation of a more integrated and competitive European Higher Education Area.

Although the mobility fund remains open, the deadline for the last round of evaluations for participation in an international conference is October 31. To learn more and/or apply, tap here

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