3rd Call for Student Project Language, health and history

EU-CONEXUS aims at empowering the presence of students in all EU-CONEXUS structures through enhancing their contribution in all parts of the process of creating a new form of transnational higher education institution, that responds better to students’ needs in studying, social and professional life.

3rd Call for Student Projects is open from March 1st to May 31st 2025. This Call is specifically related to LANGUAGE, HEALTH AND HISTORY topics.

3rd Call for Student Project Language, health and history

Supporting student engagement

Empower the presence of students in all EU-CONEXUS structures to enhance their contribution in all parts of the process of creating a new form of transnational higher education institution

Better respond to students’ needs in studying, social and professional life

Enhance inclusiveness and promotion of European values and culture on EU-CONEXUS campus

Promote multidisciplinary approach to SmUCS topics and service to society

First type of projects

Projects aiming at disseminating SmUCS topics, research results, and good practice in sustainable management of urban coastal areas to the general public and stakeholders.

Form of the projects

If the project is under this theme, it should be oriented towards the importance of the coastal areas (e.g. historical perspective, language and communication aspect, health viewpoint, etc.) and should align with the above-mentioned challenges.

Topic suggestions:

Second type of projects

Projects aiming at strengthening EU-CONEXUS students’ community such as collaboration between student organizations, volunteering, projects in peer support, projects that promote equal opportunities, inclusiveness and gender equality among students and all other types of projects that promote collaboration between students of partner institutions.

Form of the projects

If the project is under this theme, it should be oriented towards strengthening student community.

Topic suggestions:

Projects need to be closely aligned with one or more EU-CONEXUS challenges.

Eligible applicants and partnership requirements

All students and students associations within the EU-CONEXUS alliance can apply for this call. The Call is intended for students who are registered at one of the following universities:

joint-service structure image

Eligible project applications must consist of minimum three EU-CONEXUS Universities.


The financial size of the projects submitted within the Call framework for student projects is a maximum of EUR 10 000 per project.

3rd Call for student projects will be oriented in the field of language, health and history!

Two main types of projects are foreseen:

  • Projects aiming at disseminating SmUCS topics, research results, and good practice in sustainable management of urban coastal areas to the general public and stakeholders
  • Projects aiming at strengthening EU-CONEXUS students’ community such as collaboration between student organizations, volunteering, projects in peer support, projects that promote collaboration between students of partner institutions
  • projects will be approved, each up to EUR 10 000.

All applications must be sent by email:


Student Projects Support Contacts  
Institution Name Position Email 
La Rochelle Universite Marie Bauchegnies Institutional Coordinator, LRUniv marie.bouchegnies@univ-lr.fr 
Agricultural University of Athens Olga Ntantali  Minor Officer, AUA ntolga@aua.gr  
Myrsini Stagaki-Barlou Student Board member myrsini12@gmail.com 
Catholic University of Valenica Victoria Hongpei Arteaga Del Olmo Communication and Marketing victoria.arteaga@ucv.es 
Malena Fuentes Sanchis Student Board member malena.fs@mail.ucv.es 
Klaipeda University Rima Mickeviciene Institutional Coordinator, KU rima.mickeviciene@ku.lt 
Justina Cekanauskiene Communication and Marketing justina.cekanauskiene@ku.lt 
University of Zadar Ella MalenicaStudent Board Secretary emalenica@unizd.hr
South East Technological University   Ashkan Dehghan    Student Board member  ashkan.dehghan@postgrad.wit.ie 
University of Rostock Christin Zimmer Institutional Coordinator, UROS christin.zimmer@uni-rostock.de 
Theobald Ferdinand Golt Student Board Vice president theobald.goltz@uni-rostock.de 
Frederick University   Miza Eglantina   Student Board member   st017097@stud.frederick.ac.cy  

The initiative involves launching four calls over four years (approximately one per year), where students are required to form partnerships comprising at least three students from partner universities. For the first call, no specific topics were provided; instead, the coordinators of the work package allowed students to propose topics of their own choosing. This approach proved successful, resulting in 10 diverse applications. With a budget of EUR 30,000.00 allocated for the first call, it was decided to fund 6 projects with EUR 5,000.00 each. Out of the 6 selected projects, 4 were successfully completed, while the remaining 2 cancelled their project plans.

This activity is organised under the EU-funded Project EU-CONEXUS Plus (Project number 101089709) titled : “A significant step forward for the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability” .

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Eu Conexus co-funded by the European Union