EU-CONEXUS Festival is back!
From March 28th to March 30th, the third edition of EU-CONEXUS Festival will be held at La Rochelle Université.
Dedicated to arts, culture, sports and scientific culture, EU-CONEXUS Festival aims to promote the diversity of cultures that constitute the Alliance. With Smart Urban Costal Sustainability as main theme, EU-CONEXUS Festival is an opportunity for our community members to give their artistic interpretation of its topics and challenges.
For this 2023 edition, EU-CONEXUS Festival is joining the “Festival les étudiants à l’affiche” (Students on the Spotlight Festival). Each year since 2000, this 2-week event offers La Rochelle Université students the opportunity to express themselves, perform and showcase their art in different ways and places. This year, EU-CONEXUS students will enjoy the same opportunity attending creative workshops, producing, exhibiting, performing their vision of Smart Urban Costal Sustainability, of Europe, and of the world.
Dance, photography, theater, one-woman show, scientific culture, music, paintings, sports… it is all on the menu!
Want to be a part of it?
Sculpt your coast and be a part of the exhibition!
What if you were to share a little bit of your coastline with us? Mold an element of it (shells, plant, rock…) and send it to us so it can be exhibited during the Festival.
How does it work? Following the tutorial, take first a picture of what you would like to mold. Then create your paste and mold the piece of your coastline, add your name and send it to us by post – Maison de l’étudiant, 3 passage Jacqueline de Romilly 17000 La Rochelle, France – as well as the picture by email to christelle.tallon@univ-lr.fr or ask someone who comes to the Festival to bring it along with them.
Your piece will then be transformed into plaster and exhibited alongside the pieces of other students and members of EU-CONEXUS community who also participated into it.
See the previous edition of the EU-CONEXUS Festival in Klaipeda University
This activity is organised under the EU-funded Project EU-CONEXUS Plus (Project number 101089709) titled : “A significant step forward for the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability” .
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.