EU-CONEXUS visual arts exhibition

Selected in the frame of EU-CONEXUS call for visual arts projects 2023/2024, the students works take you on a unique journey around Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability.

From photographies to paintings, documentaries to digital arts, installations and animation projects, EU-CONEXUS students express their concerns about the impact of climate change on coastal areas and the challenges they face.

  • Exhibition at La Rochelle Université in May/June 2024,
  • Exhibition at Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucarest in October 2024
  • Exhibition at University of Zadar in November 2024.

EU-CONEXUS visual arts exhibition

List of students projects

The Decline of Herring Fishing in Dunmore East (documentary, 6’34 min)

Cillian Lynch, student from South East Technological University, Ireland / Baptiste Sacchi, student from La Rochelle Université, France / Titouan Droujininsky, student from La Rochelle Université, France