EU-CONEXUS Enables PhD Call 2025
The EU-CONEXUS Enables project, is a gateway to international collaboration in research within the Alliance! In 2025 the project offers a call for five fully funded PhD positions as part of a 36-month research initiative to develop sustainable solutions for coastal regions. The project is financed by European Research Executive Agency.
Research teams from participating universities are expected to offer a range of interdisciplinary thesis topics, with a special focus on digitalization and Digital Twin solutions, providing an exceptional opportunity for students to contribute to sustainable coastal solutions through international and collaborative research.
Thesis Subject Submission
The PhD recruitment process is organized in two important stages.
- the selection of thesis subjects, which are identified and developed by teams comprising both a widening and a non-widening supervisor;
And second:
- the selection of PhD candidates, who will pursue these innovative research projects within the co-tutelle framework.
5 PhD Positions available
1 per Widening partner
Duration: 36 months
Budget: approx. 100 000 Euro per PhD position as student salary
General agreement and minimum requirements of
Doctoral School Framework
Collaboration between top EU universities from Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, and Romania (widening partners) and France, Spain, Germany, and Ireland (non-widening partners)
Jan 27 – March 10, 2025
Call for PhD Co-tutelle Subjects
Teams consisting of a widening supervisor and a non-widening supervisor are submitting thesis subjects
5 February, 15:00 CET
Matchmaking Event for PhD Supervisors
This meeting will focus on the presentation of EU-CONEXUS Enables Co-tutelle offer an excellent opportunity for PhD supervisors to network and explore potential partnerships with colleagues from other EU-CONEXUS universities.
PhD supervisors and researchers are able to share their topic of interest with their peers working on the main topics, in view of possible future cooperation in terms of doctoral research.
Registration link: Click here
Meeting link: Click here
11 March – 31 March, 2025
Selection of 5 PhD Co-tutelle Subjects
A steering committee will evaluate and select the five PhD co-tutelle subjects, which will be open for doctoral student applications
1 April – 30 April, 2025
Candidate Applications
PhD candidates apply for one of five PhD co-tutelle subjects
September, 2025
PhD Programme Start
A selection committee will oversee the selection process
Eligible universities for PhD applications
Partner universities Responsible for PhD recruitment (Widening partners):
- Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
- Frederick University
- Agricultural University of Athens
- Klaipeda University
- University of Zadar
Co-supervising partner universities (Non-widening partners):
- La Rochelle Université
- Catholic University of Valencia
- University of Rostock
- South East Technological University
Thesis Subjects Submission
Short Instructions for Research Teams:
- Download the Subject Submission Form, complete it carefully and accurately, save the file, and be ready to upload it in a later step.
- Prepare and include the CVs of both supervisors (one from a widening country and one from a non-widening country).
- Complete all required fields below and submit your application no later than February 28, 2025.
Application for PHD candidates
PhD candidates will have the opportunity to apply for research topics offered by research teams from EU-CONEXUS partner universities. Following the first phase of subject selection, eligible thesis proposals will be published, enabling candidates to choose projects aligned with their academic interests and career goals. The call for applications will be open from April 2025, with selections finalized by June 2025, offering students dual-supervised doctoral positions with joint degrees from partner institutions.
Expected requirements for PHD applicants
To be announced after the first stage.
Essential Documents for Applicants
- EU-CONEXUS Enables PhD call 2025
- EU-CONEXUS ENABLES_Submission form
- EU-CONEXUS ENABLES_Evaluation Grid
- EU-CONEXUS_PhD Cotutelle_Basic Requirements_Agreement
- Specific challenges identification and comprehensive work plan
- Needs of stakeholders related on SmUCS and Digital Twin
- Priority research topics
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.