11 October 2022
Representation of Nouvelle Aquitaine Region in Brussels
21 rue Montoyer, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
For those who can not participate physically the event will be broadcasted here
Questions for Forum participants can be asked in Youtube chat
Countdown until the event
09:00 - 09:30
Welcome coffee & registration
09:30 – 09:50
Welcome & introduction

Jean-Marc Ogier
Chair of EU-CONEXUS Governing Board, President of La Rochelle Université

Vanessa Debiais-Sainton
Head of Unit, DG EAC, European Commission
09:50 - 10:00
Keynote “Is EU-CONEXUS the University of the Future?”

Alain Beretz
Chair of EU-CONEXUS External Advisory Board, President of COST
10:00 - 10:30
Movie time
EU-CONEXUS in the making
10:30 - 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 - 12.00
Roundtable “Education for a Sustainable Development of Democratic Societies”
Moderator: Slaven Zjalić

Slaven Zjalić
Vice Rector for Inter-Institutional Cooperation and Technology Transfer, University of Zadar

Ana de Luis
Chair of EU-CONEXUS Academic Council, Dean of Faculty of the Veterinary and Experimental Sciences, Catholic University of Valencia

Adrian Curaj
Member of EU-CONEXUS External Advisory Board, General Director of the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Former Minister of Education of Romania

Jan Haarhuis
Educationalist and teacher at Utrecht University, Chair of CHARM-EU teaching and learning strategy team

Vasiliki Despiniadi
Former student of EU-CONEXUS Minors programme, Agricultural University of Athens
12.00 - 12.30
12.30 - 13:45
13:45 - 14:30
EU-CONEXUS Award Ceremony
14:30 - 14:45
Keynote “The Role of Universities in Solving Challenges of the Development of Coastal Regions”

Simonas Šatūnas
Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius (European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries)
Roundtable “EU CONEXUS and its Impact on European Competitiveness through Science, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer”
Moderator: Danica Ramljak

Danica Ramljak, Member of EU-CONEXUS External Advisory Board, Senior Expert for Science and Innovation, The World Bank

Andrius Sutnikas, Coordinator of Lithuanian Maritime Cluster
Current challenges of the European port and maritime industry: A potential for EU CONEXUS Impact

Stefani Mikulec Perkovic, Head of Department for EU funds (acting), City of Zadar
The role of local Academies in the development of coastal societies and of the circular economy and the impact of EU-CONEXUS

Emmanouil Flemetakis, Head of EU-CONEXUS Joint Research Institute, Professor and Researcher, Department of Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens
Strengths and tools of EU-CONEXUS to contribute to the development of ERA
Ministry regional/national representative
How can research and innovation contribute towards strengthening of blue economy/regional economy

Fidel Echevarría, General Coordinator of the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU), University of Cadiz
The blue economy in the SEA-EU Alliance
16:15 – 16:45
Coffee break
16:45 – 17:15
EU-CONEXUS Plus: A significant step forward for the European University

Jean-Marc Ogier
Chair of EU-CONEXUS Governing Board, President of La Rochelle Université

Isabella Baer-Eiselt
Executive Director of EU-CONEXUS
17:15 - 18:00
18:00 – 20.00

Jean-Marc Ogier
EU-CONEXUS Chair of the Governing Board

Isabella Baer-Eiselt
Executive Director of EU-CONEXUS

Simonas Šatūnas
Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius (European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries)

Alain Beretz
Chair of EU-CONEXUS External Advisory Board, President of COST

Vanessa Debiais-Sainton
Head of Unit, DG EAC, European Commission

Ana de Luis
Chair of EU-CONEXUS Academic Council, Dean of Faculty of the Veterinary and Experimental Sciences, Catholic University of Valencia

Adrian Curaj
Member of EU-CONEXUS External Advisory Board, General Director of the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Former Minister of Education of Romania

Jan Haarhuis
Educationalist and teacher at Utrecht University, Chair of CHARM-EU teaching and learning strategy team

Vasiliki Despiniadi
Former student of EU-CONEXUS Minors programme, Agricultural University of Athens

Danica Ramljak
Member of EU-CONEXUS External Advisory Board, Senior Expert for Science and Innovation, The World Bank

Andrius Sutnikas, Coordinator of Lithuanian Maritime Cluster
Current challenges of the European port and maritime industry: A potential for EU CONEXUS Impact

Stefani Mikulec Perkovic, Head of Department for EU funds (acting), City of Zadar
The role of local Academies in the development of coastal societies and of the circular economy and the impact of EU-CONEXUS

Emmanouil Flemetakis, Head of EU-CONEXUS Joint Research Institute, Professor and Researcher, Department of Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens
Strengths and tools of EU-CONEXUS to contribute to the development of ERA

Fidel Echevarría, General Coordinator of the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU), University of Cadiz
The blue economy in the SEA-EU Alliance
Slaven Zjalić
Vice Rector for Inter-Institutional Cooperation and Technology Transfer, University of Zadar