EU-CONEXUS MSCA Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme 2024
Are you a researcher in EU-CONEXUS looking to recruit a post-doc?
Or maybe you are a researcher in an early career stage with a goal of securing a post-doctoral position abroad?
If so, this programme is designed for you!

The EU-CONEXUS Project Development Support Office will assist supervisors & early career researchers in preparing their application for the Horizon Europe Post-Doctoral Fellowship Call for Proposals that will open on April 23rd and close on September 11th.
The objective of Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PF) is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. Postdoctoral Fellowships are aimed at researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills, and develop their careers.

The objective of Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PF) is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. Postdoctoral Fellowships are aimed at researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills, and develop their careers.
This type of funding covers salary and other research costs for a researcher moving within Europe or arriving from outside of Europe to a host institution, where they will conduct research under the supervision of an experienced researcher (supervisor) for a period ranging from 12 to 24 months.
Projects can cover any research & innovation field, promoting interdisciplinary approaches and spanning from fundamental to applied research. They must be prepared by an early career researcher and their future supervisor.
The agenda of the EU-CONEXUS programme is as follows:
MAY 13 | 10:00-12:00 CET
Presenting the general rules of the MSCA PF call (open to all: supervisors & early career researchers)
MAY 13 AS OF 12:00 CET
Online match-making session:
Opportunity for supervisors to pitch their project
JUNE 13 |10:00-13:00 CET
Group training session
for supervisors and their PF candidates: tips & tricks for preparing an application. Open to all.
Submission deadline for a short presentation of the project (specific model to be used). This is an obligatory step for those who wish to receive an individual coaching session.
JUNE 27 | 10:00-13:00 CET
Individual coaching session
For supervisors and their candidates NB: Registration will be confirmed following the receipt of a short presentation of the project (to be sent by June 21, 12:00 CET)
JULY 4 | 15:00-16:30 CE
MSCA fellowship workshop for applicants and supervisors.
Deadline for short-term mobilities applications
Deadline for early career researchers candidates from the following universities AUA, FredU, KU, UCTB, UniZD to apply for a short-term mobility (2-5 days) to one of these universities: LRUniv, SETU, UCV, UROS. Applications to be sent in responding to the online questionnaire on the page “If you are a post-doc candidate”. Short-term mobilities should take place between June 15 & July 31.
Submission deadline for applications to the EU MSCA PF call
If you are a supervisor interested in this programme, please take a moment to answer this short questionnaire.
EU-CONEXUS MSCA Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme 2024
Are you a researcher within EU-CONEXUS? Do you want to recruit an early career researcher from another EU-CONEXUS partner university? If you match the criteria and are planning to apply to the Horizon Europe MSCA Post-doctoral Fellowships call for proposals to fund the recruitment, please answer the questions below:
If you are a post-doc candidate interested in this programme, please take a moment to answer this short questionnaire.
EU-CONEXUS MSCA Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme 2024
Are you an early career researcher? Do you want to pursue your career abroad, particularly within one of the EU-CONEXUS partner universities? If you match the criteria and are willing to apply to the Horizon Europe MSCA Post-doctoral Fellowships call for proposals, please answer the questions below:
The Project Development Support Office is in charge of managing this EU-CONEXUS support Programme related to MSCA PF applications. If you have any questions or inquiries, do not hesitate to contact the team of project officers at

Please find hereunder a list of hosting offers from EU-CONEXUS partner universities. If you are interested in expressing an interest for any of these offers, please send your CV and a short project description to
1. Catholic University of Valencia, Spain – Biomaterials and Bioengineering
This is a call for expressions of interest from excellent postdoctoral researchers to apply for a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship with The Biomaterials and Bioengineering Lab, CITSAM-UCV, as host institution. The ideal candidate is a PhD graduated chemist/biologist/biotechnologist/biomedical engineering/chemical engineer with a strong background in material science and/or their biological characterization. He/she would be ideally familiar with biomaterial synthesis and/or cell culture, microbial culture and/or antimicrobial assays. He/she must be proactive, independent, ready to work in an interdisciplinary environment and able to perform teamwork, to exploit the results by writing papers, reports and in oral presentations.
The UCV Biomaterials and Bioengineering Lab is led by Prof. Dr. Ångel Serrano-Aroca. The team is composed of young researchers who are specialized in interdisciplinary disciplines such as Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Nanobiotechnology, Bioreactors and Microbiology.
Thus, the main research line of the group consists of making use of new technological advances such as 3D printing and materials with unique properties such as graphene and its derivatives, to develop new advanced materials with biomedical and antimicrobial applications. The latest research results obtained by the group predict a very promising future because they have developed new antimicrobial biodegradable materials reinforced with carbon nanomaterials that possess excellent physical and biological properties such as antibacterial and antiviral activity. All these new properties render these advanced biomaterials very promising for a broad range of biomedical and bioengineering applications.
The research group has developed face masks, face shields and lipsticks that are capable of inactivating SARS-CoV-2 in less than a minute and multidrug-resistant bacteria. This FFCOVID MASKS are currently produced by Visor Medical S.L. The research group has authored 5 patents and more than 100 publications, including papers in major journals such as ACS Nano, Nature Communications, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Bioengineering & Translational Medicine, Additive Manufacturing, etc. More information at and by contacting the Principal Investigator of the group (
2. Catholic University of Valencia, Spain – Hiking and Mountain Sports: Health, Inclusion and Society
This is a call for expressions of interest for excellent postdoctoral researchers to apply for a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship with the Research Group Hiking and Mountain Sports: Health, Inclusion and Society, Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, UCV, as host institution.
The ideal candidate is a graduate in Sport Sciences/Human Geography/Tourism/Environmental Sciences/Anthropology with a solid background in Public Use in Natural Spaces, Relationship between Environment and Society, Sport and Disability, as well as New Technologies (Social Networks and Applications) associated to sport practice. He/she should be proactive, independent, willing to work in an interdisciplinary environment and able to work in a team, to exploit the results through the writing of articles, reports and in oral presentations.
The Research Group Hiking and Mountain Sports: Health, Inclusion and Society, of the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of the UCV is formed by researchers at different stages of their academic career and directed by Prof. Pablo Vidal-González.
The last projects developed have to do with the inclusive sport practice (Sport and Disability), but also with the Use of New Technologies by Hikers in Protected Spaces.
The Group has organized the First and Second International Congress on Hiking and Mountain Sports. Its numerous publications can be consulted in ResearchGate.
More information can be obtained by writing to the Principal Investigator of the group (
3. Agricultural University of Athens – Biotechnology: Molecular genetics, evolution, comparative genomics, membrane trafficking, extracellular vesicles, bioenergetics, microbiome
This is a call for expressions of interest from excellent postdoctoral researchers to apply for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship with the Molecular Genetics & Evolution Laboratory of the Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Biotechnology.
The ideal candidate would have recently received their PhD in biology, biotechnology or bioinformatics, with a strong background in molecular evolution. He/she would be ideally familiar with comparative genomics and phylogenetic and/or relevant molecular genetics techniques. He/she must be proactive, independent, ready to work in a team in an interdisciplinary environment and able to exploit the results by writing papers, reports and in oral presentations.
The Molecular Genetics & Evolution Laboratory is part of the Genetics laboratory of the University of Athens and is led by Assistant Professor Dr. Lila Koumandou. The research interests of the group span a variety of topics in microbiology, most recently on:
- the evolution of bioenergetic pathways in prokaryotes
- bioenergetic diversity of metagenomic datasets
- the evolution of membrane trafficking pathways in eukaryotes
- bacterial extracellular vesicles and their role in disease
- genetic markers for plant species/variety identification
- bioremediation
Dr. Koumandou received an MSCA-PF grant herself in 2013-2015 and has experience in preparing and judging relevant applications. More information at and by contacting the Principal Investigator of the group (
This activity is organised under the EU-funded Project EU-CONEXUS Plus (Project number 101089709) titled : “A significant step forward for the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability” .
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.