
2022-Mar 02

1st TORCH Annual forum for Universities alliances

1st TORCH Annual forum for Universities alliances „Sustainability in a post-pandemic world: the role of Universities in R&I today“. 2 March 2022 / Online Rasa Viederyte (KU) will take place in panel discussion “Cluster 2: Business & Society and academic cooperation” with title of a presentation: “Towards more efficient cooperation: First steps are done. What are the second ones?”

Professor will representEU-CONEXUS alliance and she will focus on Innovation Roadmap for accessing innovation communities, more precisely: the strategic steps to be done in order to get closer to business and society. As the EU-CONEXUS core thematic area is Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability, presentation will also shortly outline collaboration strategic direction towards ports and cities.

Registrations available at:
Host institution: Eötvös Loránd University Budapest

More information is in attachment

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