Launching Success

Countdown until the event
EU-CONEXUS Alliance's initiative, EU-CONEXUS Enables, is about to kick-off in March 12-13, 2024! With the the thematic umbrella of SmUCS, it will be revolutionizing higher education, research, innovation, and societal service accross 18 partners in Europe.
The project EU-CONEXUS Enables aims to foster robust academic and scientific collaboration across our Alliance members, aligning with the ERA policy agenda Action 13. Through innovative approaches like the Digital Twin methodology, we will be crafting sustainable solutions to tackle the most pressing challenges facing coastal environments.
The team meeting in Bucharest will discuss on the challenges ahead:
- Enhancing transdisciplinary collaboration
- Facilitating knowledge transfer
- Engaging students, researchers, and professionals
- Identifying sustainable urban development strategies

Kick-off EU-CONEXUS ENABLES meeting in Bucharest, Romania
12-13 March 2024
Venue: Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti, Faculty of Civil, Industrial and
Agricultural Buildings, Bulevardul Lacul Tei 124, Sectorul 2, Bucuresti
Tuesday, 12th of March
For all participants – Amphitheater I.2 and online via Microsoft Teams Broadcasted.
Please be informed that our meeting times are set according to Eastern European Time (EET), not CET. We kindly ask you to adjust your schedule accordingly. Thank you for your understanding.
Registration and coffee
Welcome speeches
Radu Vacareanu
Rector, UTCB
Jean-Marc Ogier
Chair of the Governing Board of EU-CONEXUS
Florin Baltaretu
Vice-Rector, UTCB
EU-CONEXUS Alliance – Capacity building projects as tools of cooperative development of the alliance
Isabella Baer-Eiselt
General vision of EU-CONEXUS ENABLES project
Ilinca Nastase
Roll out - Partners vision
Paris Fokaides
Thomas Bartzanas
Laura Šaltytė-Vaisiauskė
Zvejdan Penezic
Geraldine Canny
Bettina Eichler-Löbermann
Q&A and Brainstorming
Lunch break
For Work Package Leaders and representatives – I.14 room online via Microsoft Teams for the partners
Icebreaking Session
Roles and responsabilities WPLG and other representatives; understanding governance and decision-making process
Ilinca Nastase
Bogdan Gheorghe
Isabella Baer-Eiselt
Presentation of the tools available within EU-CONEXUS: ENABLES aliases on nextcloud, project management tool - Whaller
Etienne Bélin
Discussion about ENABLES procedure for meetings/work
Templates, reporting, minutes, doodle, etc.
Communication Strategy
Rasa Krolė
Coffee Break
SmUCS Framework for Knowledge Transfer with focus on the Digital Twin Concept – establishing a multidisciplinary work group and task forces
Partners to be involved, working with the JRIs, good practice models of DT with application to SmUCS topics, RIIS as a tool
Paris Fokaides
Ilinca Nastase
Brainstorming about new ideas/suggestions
Questions will be answered and give the opportunity for participants to exchange
Social Dinner
Wednesday, 13th of March
Work Package Leaders and representatives – I.14 room.
Please be informed that our meeting times are set according to Eastern European Time (EET), not CET. We kindly ask you to adjust your schedule accordingly. Thank you for your understanding.
Registration and coffee
Research Career Development support activities – upskilling, reinforcing academic expertise
Good practices from RFS, concrete organization, activities to be foreseen
Eimear Fitzpatrick
Thomas Bartzanas
Stakeholders exchanges
Partners to be involved, call-out strategies, concrete organization, activities to be foreseen
Paris Fokaides
Open Science Strategy
Partners to be involved, concrete organization, activities to be foreseen
Zvejdan Penezic
Laura Šaltytė-Vaisiauskė
Lunch Break
Joint Research Cotutelles and Mobilities
Selection process, details regarding national regulations, problems to be identified
Ilinca Nastase
Thomas Bartzanas
Research Integrity and Gender Equality Consolidation
Good practices from RFS, concrete organization, activities to be foreseen
Bettina Eichler-Löbermann
Thomas Bartzanas
Fairwell coffee
Start date: 1 February 2024
End date: 31 January 2029
Lead Partner:

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB)

Frederick University (FredU)

Agricultural University of Athens (AUA)

La Rochelle Université (LRUniv)

Catholic University of Valencia (UCV)

Klaipeda university (KU)

University of Zadar (UNIZD)

University of Rostock (UROS)

South East Technological University (SETU)

Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (ONU)

Primaria Sectorului 2 Bucuresti

Municipality of Limassol

Smart Agro Hub Anonymi Etairia Leivadia

Communaute D’agglomeration de La Rochelle

Reggie du Port de Plaisance de La Rochelle

City Development Agency Klaipeda ID

Zadar County

Southern Regional Assembly
EU-CONEXUS Alliance's initiative, EU-CONEXUS Enables, is about to kick-off in March 12-13, 2024! With the the thematic umbrella of SmUCS, it will be revolutionizing higher education, research, innovation, and societal service accross 18 partners in Europe.
The project EU-CONEXUS Enables aims to foster robust academic and scientific collaboration across our Alliance members, aligning with the ERA policy agenda Action 13. Through innovative approaches like the Digital Twin methodology, we will be crafting sustainable solutions to tackle the most pressing challenges facing coastal environments.
The team meeting in Bucharest will discuss on the challenges ahead:
- Enhancing transdisciplinary collaboration
- Facilitating knowledge transfer
- Engaging students, researchers, and professionals
- Identifying sustainable urban development strategies

Kick-off EU-CONEXUS ENABLES meeting in Bucharest, Romania
12-13 March 2024
Venue: Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti, Faculty of Civil, Industrial and
Agricultural Buildings, Bulevardul Lacul Tei 124, Sectorul 2, Bucuresti
Tuesday, 12th of March
For all participants – Amphitheater I.2 and online via Microsoft Teams Broadcasted.
Please be informed that our meeting times are set according to Eastern European Time (EET), not CET. We kindly ask you to adjust your schedule accordingly. Thank you for your understanding.
Registration and coffee
Welcome speeches
Radu Vacareanu
Rector, UTCB
Jean-Marc Ogier
Chair of the Governing Board of EU-CONEXUS
Florin Baltaretu
Vice-Rector, UTCB
EU-CONEXUS Alliance – Capacity building projects as tools of cooperative development of the alliance
Isabella Baer-Eiselt
General vision of EU-CONEXUS ENABLES project
Ilinca Nastase
Roll out - Partners vision
Paris Fokaides
Thomas Bartzanas
Laura Šaltytė-Vaisiauskė
Zvejdan Penezic
Geraldine Canny
Bettina Eichler-Löbermann
Q&A and Brainstorming
Lunch break
For Work Package Leaders and representatives – I.14 room online via Microsoft Teams for the partners
Icebreaking Session
Roles and responsabilities WPLG and other representatives; understanding governance and decision-making process
Ilinca Nastase
Bogdan Gheorghe
Isabella Baer-Eiselt
Presentation of the tools available within EU-CONEXUS: ENABLES aliases on nextcloud, project management tool - Whaller
Etienne Bélin
Discussion about ENABLES procedure for meetings/work
Templates, reporting, minutes, doodle, etc.
Communication Strategy
Rasa Krolė
Coffee Break
SmUCS Framework for Knowledge Transfer with focus on the Digital Twin Concept – establishing a multidisciplinary work group and task forces
Partners to be involved, working with the JRIs, good practice models of DT with application to SmUCS topics, RIIS as a tool
Paris Fokaides
Ilinca Nastase
Brainstorming about new ideas/suggestions
Questions will be answered and give the opportunity for participants to exchange
Social Dinner
Wednesday, 13th of March
Work Package Leaders and representatives – I.14 room.
Please be informed that our meeting times are set according to Eastern European Time (EET), not CET. We kindly ask you to adjust your schedule accordingly. Thank you for your understanding.
Registration and coffee
Research Career Development support activities – upskilling, reinforcing academic expertise
Good practices from RFS, concrete organization, activities to be foreseen
Eimear Fitzpatrick
Thomas Bartzanas
Stakeholders exchanges
Partners to be involved, call-out strategies, concrete organization, activities to be foreseen
Paris Fokaides
Open Science Strategy
Partners to be involved, concrete organization, activities to be foreseen
Zvejdan Penezic
Laura Šaltytė-Vaisiauskė
Lunch Break
Joint Research Cotutelles and Mobilities
Selection process, details regarding national regulations, problems to be identified
Ilinca Nastase
Thomas Bartzanas
Research Integrity and Gender Equality Consolidation
Good practices from RFS, concrete organization, activities to be foreseen
Bettina Eichler-Löbermann
Thomas Bartzanas
Fairwell coffee
Start date: 1 February 2024
End date: 31 January 2029
Lead Partner:
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB)
Frederick University (FredU)
Agricultural University of Athens (AUA)
La Rochelle Université (LRUniv)
Catholic University of Valencia (UCV)
Klaipeda university (KU)
University of Zadar (UNIZD)
University of Rostock (UROS)
South East Technological University (SETU)

Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (ONU)

Primaria Sectorului 2 Bucuresti

Municipality of Limassol

Smart Agro Hub Anonymi Etairia Leivadia

Communaute D’agglomeration de La Rochelle

Reggie du Port de Plaisance de La Rochelle
City Development Agency Klaipeda ID
Zadar County

Southern Regional Assembly