It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the 2nd edition of EU-CONEXUS PhD Week, taking place online between 11th -15th of December 2023. EU-CONEXUS is constantly aiming to increase the pool of opportunities for PhD and postdoctoral student community, with the aim of broadening their expertise. The objectives of this event are to share with you the research, innovation and academic opportunities offered to PhD and postdoctoral students, as well as to PhD supervisors from EU-CONEXUS universities and international partners: I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University and Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience (University of Cape Coast) and to increase the networking in our PhD community in order to develop joint academic and research initiatives.
Topics of the sessions opened for PhD and Postdoctoral students (during 13:00-14:30 CET Time):
- Monday, 11th of December: Presentation of the EU-CONEXUS Alliance and 10 PhD Online Open Courses in English on Transversal and Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability Skills
- Tuesday, 12th of December: Research development for PhD and post-doc students: Joint Research Institutes, Research for Mobility Calls, Student Research Hubs, SEED Funding and Project Development Office presentation
- Thursday, 14th of December: Professional development & engagement for EU-CONEXUS PhD students: 4th PhD Summer School, Career Center, Student Board, Students Project & Ambassador Calls, Innovation Contest
- Friday, 15th of December: EU-CONEXUS PhD Students Virtual Conference & Networking event: presentation of PhD students joint research abstracts and each participant will present individual research interest to other peers
You can register until 8th of December by completing this form: .
To join the four sessions for the students, please access the Link here, Meeting ID: 387 351 217 972 , Access Code: K67ucV
For EU-CONEXUS PhD supervisors we are organizing during the same week, on Wednesday, 13th December 14:30 – 16:30 CET TIME, the session ‘Doctoral research opportunities for PhD supervisors – Matchmaking Event’. The objective of this matchmaking event is to allow the PhD supervisors working in the EU-CONEXUS partner universities to meet and discuss their topics of interest with their peers working on the same topics, in view of possible future cooperation in terms of doctoral research. The event will comprise a general presentation of joint research opportunities in EU-CONEXUS in plenary session (co-tutelle, grants for PhD students in co-tutelles, research mobilities for PhD supervisors, Research and Innovation Informatic System). Several breakout rooms will be set up on different topics, based on the interest of the PhD supervisors registered for the event. PhD supervisors will be able to present their profile, interest, topics, equipment, previous results etc. The PhD supervisors who identified a special interest on the same topic will be able to join a separate breakout room to discuss specifically on their topic of interest.
PhD supervisors from all partner universities in EU-CONEXUS are kindly asked to fill in the following registration form until 1st of December 2023: Registration Form – Matchmaking Event for PhD supervisors. Based on your scientific disciplines and fields of research, we will configure the breakout rooms. We will send the meeting links for this session separately to all the interested persons who register for this session.
We are counting on your presence for a successful event for all the sessions!

If you are interested in our previous editions, please make sure you check: