Strengthening the Research Management Administrators Community of Practice: Workshop on POLICY AND IMPACT

This activity is organized under the EU-funded project EU-CONEXUS ENABLES (Project number: 101136822), titled ‘Promoting Excellence Through Innovative Eco-systems.
Planning your research with impact in mind gives it the best chance of making a meaningful difference to society, reduces the risk of research outputs being underutilised (sitting on the shelf!), and ensures outputs and knowledge is accessible to beneficiaries and broader society. Demonstrating impact can also raise your profile as a researcher locally, nationally, and internationally, and contribute to an impact culture within your organisation. This workshop will introduce the concept of impact, the policies and initiatives driving research impact and the engaged research agenda. It will also provide tools for stakeholder engagement, impact planning, and documenting/reporting impact. The workshop will be delivered online via Zoom, with supporting templates provided.
Impact can be described as the benefits that research brings to society, beyond academia. Research impact can take many forms, including economic, environmental, health and well-being, technological, cultural, and more. These benefits can arise both from positive outcomes and from the prevention of negative outcomes. Research impact is becoming increasingly important, as funders are required to demonstrate value for money to taxpayers and provide evidence of the tangible benefits research brings to society and the economy.
Led by Saoirse Cummins, South East Technological University
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.