PhD courses
EU-CONEXUS increased the academic opportunities for PhD Students by launching the EU-CONEXUS PhD Courses’ Call open to all PhD Students in the Alliance. This call includes courses developing transversal competencies and courses on the thematic of SmUCS (Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability) offered by the partner universities in the consortium.
Our Doctoral and Postdoctoral Students can now enroll at one or more PhD Courses provided by our partners! – Through these courses, we are aiming to expand the academic opportunities for our EU-CONEXUS PhD and postdoctoral students, including those of our associated partners, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University and Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience (University of Cape Coast)

Why to take these courses?
Access to free online transversal and SmUCS-related courses, in a stimulating and international environment
Acquire new research and digital skills useful for your research activity and career
Practice and improve scientific and professional communication in an international language
Interact with other students from EU-CONEXUS and internationally recognized professors
Have a starting point to develop new partnerships and to write projects together
Increase chances to be selected to other EU-CONEXUS opportunities
You can enroll at our upcoming PhD Courses between 3rd-16th of February 2025!
How to apply?
In order to register for the course/courses, you need to:
- Complete the Registration Form where you need your PhD/postdoctoral Supervisor and after send it to the university e-mail address from below where you are enrolled already as a student/research fellow
University | Institutional email |
AUA | ntolga@aua.gr |
LRUniv | manon.bernard@univ-lr.fr |
KU | alvyda.obrikiene@ku.lt |
UCV | euconexus@ucv.es |
UNIZD | zpenezic@unizd.hr |
UTCB | euconexus@utcb.ro |
SETU | eu-conexus.wd@setu.ie |
UROS | yue.hu@uni-rostock.de |
FredU | l.nardi@frederick.ac.cy |
ONU | ozinchenko@onu.edu.ua |
ACECoR – University of Cape Coast, Ghana | emmanuel.acheampong@ucc.edu.gh |
- The information regarding the dates of the courses will be updated in due time on our courses web pages
- Please see below the information about the first courses launched.
This activity is organised under the EU-funded Project EU-CONEXUS Plus (Project number 101089709) titled : “A significant step forward for the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability” .
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.