This board is the representative body of students from all partners and participates in strategic decision-making in all levels and implements specific activities for students.
Leo-Onam Otieno
Student board president, AC representative, LRUniv
Christina Zantioti
RC representative, Student Board Member, AUA
Myrsini-Anastasia Stagaki-Mparlou
Student Board member, AUA
Malena Fuentes
Student Board member, UCV
Aidas Čurovas
Communication referent, KU
Airidas Rupšas
Student Board member, KU
Anja Glavinić
Student Board member, UNIZD
Anita Čipak
Student Board member, UNIZD
Maria Bratcovici
Student Board member, UTCB
Mara Jekat
Student Board member, UROS
Theobald Goltz
Student Board member, UROS
Eglantina Miza
Student Board member, FredU
Ioannis Kouppanou
Student Board member, FredU