This board is the strategic decision-making body of the Alliance and is composed by rectors of partner universities or their sufficiently mandated delegates. The engagement of the highest decision-making level at the partner universities guarantees the uphold of the institutional commitment and alignment to the Alliances’ activities and its continuous development towards administrative and procedural integration.

Prof. Jean-Marc Ogier
Prof. Jean-Marc Ogier

Chair of Governing Board, Rector, LRUniv

Prof. Dr. Radu-Sorin Văcăreanu
Prof. Dr. Radu-Sorin Văcăreanu

Vice-Chair of the Governing Board, Rector, UTCB

Prof. Spyridon E. Kintzios
Prof. Spyridon E. Kintzios

Rector, AUA

Dr. Elena Inés Floristán Imízcoz
Dr. Elena Inés Floristán Imízcoz

Rector’s Delegate for EU-CONEXUS, UCV

Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas
Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas

Rector, KU

Prof. Dr. Josip Faričić
Prof. Dr. Josip Faričić

Rector, UNIZD

Prof. Veronica Campbell 
Prof. Veronica Campbell 

Rector, SETU

Prof. George Demosthenous
Prof. George Demosthenous

Rector, FredU

Leo-Onam Otieno
Leo-Onam Otieno

EU-CONEXUS President of Student Board, LRUniv

Dr. David Denieffe
Dr. David Denieffe

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Registrar, SETU

Assoc. Prof. Thomas Bartzanas
Assoc. Prof. Thomas Bartzanas

Vice Rector for Research, Finance and Development, AUA

Prof. Andrii Smitiukh

Vice Rector, Odessa Mechnikov National University

Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Prommer
Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Prommer

Rector, UROS

If you have questions, please CONTACT US