Building on the advisory structure and methodology set up in the statutes of the EAB, its advisory function will continue to include the review of the general progress reports, the issue of recommendations on specific strategic orientations and the general guidance on the development of the Alliance.
Prof. Alain Beretz
Chair of EAB, President of COST Association, France
Christina Legaki
Honorary Doctor of the ΑUA, Greece
César Lorente
Director of Transformation and Productivity, BBVA, Spain
Dr. Rimantas Vaitkus
Prof. of Vilnius University, advisor to minister of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Lithuania
Viktorija Jakubauskytė-Andriulienė
Head of the Public Enterprise “Agenda’50”, lecturer of the LCC International University, Lithuania
Dr. Danica Ramljak
External senior advisor, Croatia
Prof. dr. Adrian Curaj
Director of UEFISCDI, Romania
David Sinnott
Chief Executive of Port of Waterford, Ireland
Enda Hogan
Soutern Regional Assembly, Ireland
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schareck
Rector emeritus, University of Rostock, Germany
Dr. Xenia I. Loizidou
Director of ISOTECH Research and Consulting Engineering, Cyprus