EU-CONEXUS job shadowing
Who is eligible?
All EU-CONEXUS staff from all departments/services (accounts/finance, human resources, communication, IT…) are eligible and encouraged to individual job shadowing mobility at one partner institution. The objective of this type of mobility is to strengthen administrative staff network and share best practices within EU-CONEXUS partners based on a better understanding of each other administrative cultures.
Collective job shadowing of staff operating in similar services (accounts/finance, minor office, University library…) are strongly encouraged in order to make the visit of infrastructures and the meetings with colleagues at the Host University more interesting and efficient.

For how long can I go?
Optimal job-shadowing duration is 2 to 3 days and the stay should not exceed 5 working days.

How does my mobility get funded?
Funding will be provided for travel expenses and per diem, either according to the amounts foreseen in the EU-CONEXUS project by the partner institutions or according to the Erasmus+ rules if the mobility is funded by Erasmus+ KA103.

Which documents should I need to provide?
Funding will be provided for travel expenses and
The necessary documents are:
- CV
- Job shadowing application form
- Invitation letter from the Host University
- Job shadowing work plan

Who should I contact ?
For details, conditions and information on how to apply and organisation of the travel, please contact your local International Relations Office person who is part of EU-CONEXUS Mobility Office or your EU-CONEXUS project manager.
Application and selection process are done at each partners’ level.
The open call for job shadowing is open till 31st January 2022. Job shadowing mobilities can be organised over EU-CONEXUS project period until 31st October 2022 (last day of a job-shadowing stay).

Institutions | Contacts |
AUA | Vera Charitou |
KU | Jelena Bogatova |
LRUniv | Stéphane Aymard |
UCV | International Office |
UNIZD | Maja Kolega |
UTCB | Ramona Diac |
FredU | Varnavas Mytilineos |
UROS | Daniel Reinecker |
SETU | Paula Brazil |
And on my return?
Once the mobility is completed, each beneficiary must submit a short report in English on his/her experience (good practices learnt, new contacts developed, etc.).