Joint Research Institutes’ Seminars
General information about the seminars
The EU-CONEXUS Joint Research Institutes Seminars offer the opportunity to EU-CONEXUS researchers and beyond to exchange their research ideas and enter into dialogue about common research objectives in the area of Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (SmUCS). SmUCS means understanding and addressing societal challenges that are experienced by communities from urban and semi-urbanised coastal regions (rivers, seas, and oceans). Coastal environments are interfaces between inland areas and marine offshore parts where social and economic activities interact with highly valuable and unique coastal ecosystems. The functioning and evolution of urban coastal societies and environments in the context of climate change and increasing anthropogenic pressure are major challenges that are addressed in the framework of SmUCS.
Seminar Duration: 1 h maximum (20-30 min. presentation, Q+A, discussion)
Seminar Topics
- Project results / outcomes
- Research activities scheduled within the frame of a funded proposal
- PhD or Master thesis results
- A recently accepted publication (the presenter must be among the authors of the paper)
- Introduction of a specific technology / technique, etc.
Seminar Abstract: Up to 400 words.
In case of acceptance, the presenter will be asked to:
- Provide a short version of the abstract (up to 100 words)
- Select presentation date/time from a list
- Provide presentation segments that will be made available to EU-CONEXUS members after the presentation.
Evaluation of seminar abstracts
Each abstract will be evaluated by a representative from the relevant Joint Research Institute.
Criteria for Evaluation
- Relevance to respective JRI research activities
- Presentation of innovative knowledge
- Use of new technologies
- Opportunities for collaboration
Following the evaluation, the applicant will be informed of the outcome via email.
Platform for seminar presentations: MS-Teams
Research objectives of the 4 Joint Research Institutes (JRIs) and related sciences
Life Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (LSBI)
Indicative Objectives could include:
- Study of living organisms – Biology of organisms and microorganisms.
- Study of life processes ranging from the molecular and cellular level to whole organisms and ecosystems.
- Studies on Nutrition, Pharmacology, Medicine and Results of Clinical Research or Gene Therapy.
- Development of Bioproducts and their applications.
- Development of biotechnological applications towards sustainability.
- Applications of Synthetic Biology towards sustainability.
- Development of Bioinformatics’ tools and their applications.
Indicative disciplines (the list is not exhaustive):
Agriculture, Aquaculture, Forestry, Zoology, Animal and Plant Biology, Microbiology, Entomology, Parasitology, Marine Biology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Synthetic Biology, Biopolymers, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacology, Biomedical and Clinical Research, Gene Therapy, Nutrition Sciences, Bioinformatics, etc
Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity Institute (ESBI)
Indicative Objectives could include:
- Challenges raised by environmental changes (climate-related, environmental, or anthropogenic) and sustainable exploitation of resources.
- Approaches to protect and restore coastal ecosystems including riverine and estuarine continuums based on socio-ecological systems and biophysical interactions.
- Environmental quality, biodiversity, and provision of societal goods and benefits derived from ecosystem services.
- Monitoring the evolution of natural resources within coastal areas, riverine and estuarine continuums.
Indicative disciplines (the list is not exhaustive):
Ecology, Biology, Zoology, Taxonomy, Atmospheric sciences, Oceanography, Limnology, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Physics, Environmental Mathematics, Geosciences, Evolution, Environmental Management, Ecosystem Services, Geography, Behavioral sciences, etc
Coastal Engineering Institute (CEI)
Indicative Objectives could include:
- Engineering fields and their role in coastal development.
Indicative disciplines (the list is not exhaustive):
Civil Engineering (Structural and Materials), Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Computer Science, Maritime and Marine Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Coastal Geomorphology, Coastal Planning and Infrastructure, Maritime Engineering, Environmental Engineering (Indoor Environmental Quality, Marine Environmental Engineering, Environmental Geotechnics), Water Resources and Management, Natural Hazards (Earthquake, Storms, Floods, Landslides, Fires etc.), Building Materials, Heritage buildings and constructions, Energy, Applied Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Electrical engineering and Lighting, Smart Buildings and BMS, Computer Vision and Robotics, etc
Social, Culture and Human Sciences Institute (SCHSI)
Indicative Objectives could include:
- The place of man and society in coastal areas.
- Ways of inhabiting the coast and carrying out various activities (e.g. tourism).
- Historical approach to coastal areas, resulting cultural stakes, international and multicultural aspects of these transitional spaces.
- Issues of territorial governance and the norms and rules that regulate man-made coastal areas.
Indicative disciplines (the list is not exhaustive):
Social Sciences, Law Sciences, Political Sciences, Economy and Enterprise, Educational Sciences, Experimental/Social/Basic Psychology, Philosophy, Social and Cultural Anthropology, History, Bibliometry, Philology, Literature, Linguistics, Visual and Scenic Arts, Ethic, BioLaw, Bioethics, etc