Joint Research Protocols
In order to develop our Joint Research Area, EU-CONEXUS partners have started to harmonize their research protocols and processes. As a result, Multilingual Laboratory Manuals (MLMs) are being produced by EU-CONEXUS.
Each protocol is formatted according to aharmonized Laboratory Protocol Template. The Template is available in English and in 6 EU-Conexus languages.
Each Protocol/ JSOP is in English and in the native language of the laboratory of origin.
A common Multilingual Laboratory Manual (MLM) of General Laboratory Safety Procedures that contains general safety rules applied in EU-CONEXUS laboratories is published in English and in all EU-CONEXUS languages (FR, CR, GR, LT, RO, ES). A Laboratory Safety Consent Form is also available for Researchers and students that walk on JRIs.
Research protocols portal

Researchers and Students in JRIs are invited to apply these protocols in case that they are related to their research activities. This would allow them to perform harmonized procedures within EU-CONEXUS and produce reliable, reproducible and high-quality results.
In order to enhance scientific knowledge and laboratory training, educational material that encompasses audio and visual guidance, will be produced.
Access to the material will be available through the EU-CONEXUS smart campus for quick training of students during their studies, researchers’ mobility, work‐placement, or life‐long learning study periods (under development).