Call for Participation in International Conferences on Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability
EU-CONEXUS supports the attendance of relevant international conferences on Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability topics in order to:
- Present research results and technological developments;
- Expand the network and increase visibility of the Alliance.

EU-CONEXUS is a transnational European higher education and research institution for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (SmUCS).
The focus of EU-CONEXUS education, research & innovation, and knowledge-sharing activities is on defining, understanding and addressing societal challenges experienced by communities in urban and semi-urbanised coastal regions (rivers, seas and oceans).
Partners of the Alliance are La Rochelle Université, Agricultural University of Athens, Catholic University of Valencia, Klaipeda University, University of Zadar, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, South East Technological University, University of Rostock and Frederick University.
Researchers and PhD students from the nine EU-CONEXUS partner universities.
Participation with contribution (e.g., presentation, lecture, poster, chairperson or committee member) at conferences on SmUCS topics.
About 4 days (not including transfer days). Mobilities of the 2025/2026 call should be realised by 31 October 2026.
The applicant shall submit:
- Application form with contact details, scope of the conference, personal contribution, and description of the possible benefits for the EU-CONEXUS alliance;
- Acceptance of the conference abstract (if applicable);
- CV.
The applications can be submitted to any time until 30 June 2026.
Selection Process
A review panel consisting of representatives from the partner universities jointly evaluate the applications based on clear criteria. The evaluation will take place on following dates (1 April, 1 July and 1 October 2025; 1 February, 1 April and 1 July in 2026).
The selection is based on criteria guaranteeing a fair evaluation of the applications and does not give priority to any applicant depending on his/her nationality, race, religion or gender.
The following criteria will be considered for the selection of the mobility:
1. Overall objectives and expected impacts of the participation (max. 5 points)
2. Benefits for the researcher’s career (max. 3 points)
3. Partnerships, collaborative efforts and benefits for the whole consortium (max. 5 points)
In case of equal points, the priority will be given to young researchers and/or to less represented research areas or genders. In case of any objection at any stage of the application and selection process, the applicant may file his/her appeal to the Coordination Committee.
Reimbursement of travel costs will be done according to the internal policy of purchases of EU-CONEXA. EU-CONEXA is a Belgian non-profit association managing common funds for the alliance members. For more information (maximum refund, required documents, pre-payment etc.), please refer to the EU-CONEXA Travelling Rules. The maximum refund given in EU-CONEXA Travelling Rules serves as reference for mobilities within Europe.
Mobilities with higher cost expectations (e.g., travel to non-European countries or high registration fees) will be evaluated by EU-CONEXA individually. Financial support includes transportation, accommodation and conference fees. Financial support may not be used to cover similar expenses financed by other funds.
Pre-payment of the refund is possible.
It is mandatory for invited experts to complete an after-mobility survey.
For more information, please contact
Privacy statement
Each applicant consents that his/her personal data may be used by the EU-CONEXUS Alliance in order to manage the application for mobility and all the corresponding administrative steps. The personal data will be used solely for statistical and reporting reasons within the EU-CONEXUS Alliance or for reporting to the European Commission purposes.