Qualification development
Development of synergies between EU‐CONEXUS and the industrial world, for students’ employment and for bridging the gap between industry and academia. The EU‐CONEXUS partner institutions will develop synergies with their socio‐economic environment, in order to bridge the gap between industry requirements and academic educational and research system on the one hand, and in order to improve the employability of EU‐CONEXUS students, on the other hand.
One of the initiatives aimed at reaching these ambitious objectives is the creation of professional minor courses: Minor courses will be prepared by coastal professional worlds of coastal industries (such as tourism, sustainable construction, blue growth) in cooperation with the Academic Council. These Minor courses will be prepared by professionals and will be taught by professionals.
These “professional minors” will give a sense to students’ learning and will help students fight against failure through practical applications of theoretical concepts. In EU‐CONEXUS, these minors will be accessible in physical mobility, in order to allow professional cross‐cultural developments.