2025 Call for Research Mobility for EU-CONEXUS Alliance Members


This mobility call aims to:

  1. Support joint research work,
  2. Facilitate project development on topics related to Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (SmUCS) and
  3. Expand and strengthen the EU-CONEXUS research network.

2025 Call for Research Mobility for EU-CONEXUS Alliance Members


EU-CONEXUS, a transnational European higher education and research institution for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (SmUCS), offers mobility opportunities for research staff and research administrators of its nine partner Universities.

The focus of EU-CONEXUS education, research & innovation, and knowledge-sharing activities is on defining, understanding and addressing societal challenges experienced by communities in urban and semi-urbanised coastal regions (rivers, seas and oceans).

Partners of the Alliance are La Rochelle Université, Agricultural University of Athens, Catholic University of Valencia, Klaipeda University, University of Zadar, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, South East Technological University, University of Rostock and Frederick University.


Researchers, PhD students and research administrators from the EU-CONEXUS Alliance.

Participate in research and/or training activities, conferences or summer schools at EU-CONEXUS universities.

Between 3 and 10 working days (not including transfer days). Under certain circumstances (e.g., finalising a PhD thesis) longer stays may be possible. Mobilities of the 2025/2026 call should be realised by 31 October 2026.


The applicant shall submit:

  • Application form with contact details, objectives, expected results, working plan, and cost description;
  • Letter of recommendation from the head of the research unit/department, including the benefits for the unit/department (can be sent via email);
  • CV.

Applications can be submitted to the EU-CONEXUS Mobility Office at your university any time before 30 June 2026.

Participants who have been selected for a presentation/poster at the EU-CONEXUS Research Conference at the Catholic University of Valencia (UCV) in 2025 do not need to submit an application for this mobility.

Selection Process

The applications will be evaluated based on clear criteria by each university internally. Please refer to the EU-CONEXUS Mobility Office at your university for the individual evaluation dates.

The selection is based on criteria guaranteeing a fair evaluation of the applications and does not give priority to any applicant depending on his/her nationality, race, religion or gender.

The following criteria will be considered for the selection of the mobility activities:

1. Overall objectives and expected results (max. 5 points)

2. Benefits for the researcher’s career (max. 3 points)

3. Partnerships, collaborative efforts and benefits for the Alliance (max. 5 points)

4. Synergies, complementing and sharing available resources/infrastructure (max. 3 points)

In case of equal points, priority will be given to young researchers and/or to less represented research areas or genders. In case of any objection at any stage of the application and selection process, the applicant may file his/her appeal to the Coordination Committee.


Reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs will be done according to the institutional regulations of the partner funding the mobility. For more information, please contact own universities using the provided email addresses listed below.

Financial support may not be used to cover similar expenses financed by other funds but can be used to complement other funds.

Researchers with disabilities/special needs can request additional grant support. A person with special needs is a potential participant whose individual physical, mental or health-related situation is such that his/her participation in the mobility would not be possible without extra financial support. In preparation of your EU-CONEXUS mobility, you should indicate your needs and foreseen extra costs linked to your physical, mental or health-related conditions.

Areas that could be eligible for support, according to individual needs, include but are not limited to: adapted accommodation, travel assistance, medical attendance, supportive equipment, adaption of learning material, an accompanying person, etc. Eligibility and funding criteria will follow the Erasmus+ and/or national rules or University rules.

It is mandatory for selected candidates to complete an after-mobility survey.



For more information, please contact eu-conexus@uni-rostock.de.

Privacy statement

Each applicant consents that his/her personal data may be used by the EU-CONEXUS Alliance in order to manage the application for mobility and all the corresponding administrative steps. The personal data will be used solely for statistical and reporting reasons within the EU-CONEXUS Alliance or for reporting to the European Commission.